'A phone only lasts a couple of years before it breaks or becomes obsolete. Although it's often just one part that killed it, we throw everything away because it's almost impossible to repair or upgrade'
Dave Hakkens (graduate of Design Academy Eindhoven 2013) wanted to solve this problem and invented the so called phonebloks. The bloks are like lego bricks, where you can build/costumize your own phone with. So, if you want, for example, a better camera on your phone, you can just replace the current with a better one and you don't need to buy a complete new phone.
It seems to be soooo simple, but I think you can call this a ingenious project, something that can/will change the world and people's way of thinking. For example, what about a car that you can make longer when you are going on a family day-trip and make it easily shorter, when you are going to your work, alone? So you can spare money on the fuel and lend the rest of your car to your neighbours.
Hakkens perfectly represents the designer as wat he/she nowadays is and does, in a nutshell: solving problems for people like you and me, and for the rest of the world. Hakkens simply describes his intention as 'trying to make the world better by making things...'
With this example (and more will be passing by) I am trying to let you understand what design and a designer are. But don't make the mistake by thinking that this is design and always will be. Because the definitions of design and a designer are continuously changing.
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