donderdag 24 oktober 2013

Tips for your higher-than-high heels days

How beautiful they might look, the much more confidence they might give you or whatever reason you have to walk on higher-than-high-heels, I still prefer comfort (I think I’m naturally a ‘flats person’) and I only wear – the most comfortable I can find – heels at special occasions. So, especially for those moments, for high-heels-lovers and the ‘naturally heels persons’ (and everybody in between) some tips from the professionals! Like how do you get gracefully out of a car? Or when do you have to buy your shoes/heels? I’ll give you already the answer on the latter from  Sarah Rutson (fashion director at LaneCrawford): “Never buy heels in the morning, do it in the afternoon when your feet have expanded” > that’s a good one, non?!

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