dinsdag 7 oktober 2014
Loving a LOT
Gek eigenlijk, dat ik nog nooit over de leukste winkel van Amstelveen heb geblogd, waar ik nota bene al bijna een jaar wèrk - shame on me! Maar nu kan ik er ook niet onderuit, want ik ben trots! Trots op onze nieuwe website! Wat is ze mooi en ze is helemaal LOT (Love Our Things), zoals de gezellige plek heet waar je terecht kunt voor een vurrukkukluke latte, espresso, macchiato of verse thee, originele kadootjes voor de grote en kleine LOT, (home) accessoires, sieraden en natuurlijk de tofste kleding! Love Our Things op lot-amstelveen.nl!
dinsdag 23 september 2014
Fashion vs Politics
'De wereld staat in brand' om de hedendaagse gruwelijkheden maar eens simpel samen te vatten. Hoewel de media het allemaal niet bijgeschreven en gedocumenteerd krijgt gaat het leven van alledag in Europa 'gewoon' door. Zo ook in modeland, althans, wat Europa betreft. Naast Marc Jacobs die perfect timed met zijn collectie met militaire inspiraties ("Military clothes are part of the fashion vernacular now") wordt mode weer uitbundig gevierd met prachtige collecties, dat wel. Niets mis mee, maar in Oekraïne laten ze zien dat het ook anders kan. Vice toont een interessante documentaire over de Fashion Week in Kiev (eens wat anders dan Parijs, Milaan of New York) waar designers de gewelddadigheden van alledag niet genegeerd hebben. Modellen met maskers, pantsers en niets verhullende teksten sieren de catwalks. Sommige ontwerpers hebben zelfs hun werk tijdelijk neergelegd om massaal kogelvrije vesten te maken. Deze ontwerpers laten zien dat ze een deel zijn en willen zijn van de maatschappij en zich niet in gouden torens met champagne afzonderen van de werkelijkheid. Touché!
donderdag 24 juli 2014
Have it your way
Tattoos. Prachtig kunnen ze zijn, lief, krachtig en stoer. Toen ik klein was vond ik ze al mooi en viste daarom altijd de asterix&obelix kauwgom met plakplaatjes tussen de dropjes en lollies vandaan. Tot een 'echte' is het nog niet gekomen, want helaas zijn ze forever... Dus daarom hou ik het maar bij de temporary ones, zoals die van tattly.com. Hier vind je de meest geinige, originele, lollige plakplaatjes voor elke mood om je lichaam mee te versieren. Wat dacht je van een
lekker cool ijsje in je nek of een beer op je arm?
dinsdag 22 juli 2014
woensdag 16 juli 2014
U-turn met windkracht tien
zaterdag 5 juli 2014
Language matters
What the HECK is GLUTEN?
Al dat geouwehoer over gluten(vrij) - en ander superfood gezever!(Ook)ik werd er een beetje onzeker van (is het nu wel of niet fout, gluten?) en stop daarom af en toe toch maar een duur(!) Spelt brood in mijn blauwe mandje, ter compensatie, want de volkoren pasta gaat er bij mij niet uit (een bolognese saus met quinoa of cousous is geen succes kan ik je vertellen).
Hoewel mijn huid er wel van op is geknapt nu ik minder brood eet (dáág puistjes) trakteer ik mezelf toch graag zo af en toe op zo'n calvinistische snee met een dikke plak kaas. Maar is glutenvrij überhaupt wel gezond(er) als je geen intolerantie of allergieën hebt? Op een reeds ontdekte site over alles wat met eten te maken heeft (culy.nl) kwam dan eindelijk een verlossend filmpje! En ik kan je alvast verklappen, voortaan ga ik gewoon weer lekker voor een halfje volkoren.
Hoewel mijn huid er wel van op is geknapt nu ik minder brood eet (dáág puistjes) trakteer ik mezelf toch graag zo af en toe op zo'n calvinistische snee met een dikke plak kaas. Maar is glutenvrij überhaupt wel gezond(er) als je geen intolerantie of allergieën hebt? Op een reeds ontdekte site over alles wat met eten te maken heeft (culy.nl) kwam dan eindelijk een verlossend filmpje! En ik kan je alvast verklappen, voortaan ga ik gewoon weer lekker voor een halfje volkoren.
(nu twee dagen later kom ik er achter dat er in Spelt brood ook gluten zitten?! heb ik me verkeerd laten voorlichten? Afijn, ik zit inmiddels, zoals gezegd, toch alweer aan de volkoren)
vrijdag 30 mei 2014
zondag 25 mei 2014
Eastpak Pur Sang!
By bike through Berlin, hiking in New Zealand or backpacking down under, these day dreams come across when I see the new collection of EastPak! Je t'aime the new - whether a little bit hippie'ish or not - backpacks made of water resistant materials in clean shapes, which 'become even more beautiful with age'. Finally an aesthetic backpack of good quality with a sweet price!
Go discover them yourself here
Go discover them yourself here
zaterdag 24 mei 2014
woensdag 16 april 2014
Fan of Benjamin Clementine
Yesterday, as a birthday present for mi boy, we went to an intimate
concert from Benjamin Clementine at the MC Theater in
Amsterdam. This singer and songwriter from London has spent a number of years
homeless in Paris, the city where he wrote his first song called Cornerstone and where he
got popular in the music scene. Its performance with the song on the BBC television show Later With Jools Holland in
2013 was amazing, or even more than that, and made me decide to buy tickets for
his show.
After waiting for a few minutes he
appeared in a long coat, without buttons, which he uneasily hold during the
entire show. I was wondering if he was maybe hiding a glamorous outfit
underneath, but the question remained unanswered.
The stage was occupied by
a black piano, a microphone and one spot on Clementine, no more was needed. The
spotlight, which couldn’t reach his eyes, made him look like a ghostly shadow
and highlighted his characteristic cheekbones. His appearance makes him one of
a kind (little ears, big head with tall hair, tight body and great piano hands),
just like his performance: his pervasive voice which goes from opera high to very bass low gave me goose bumps many times. He has a great timing and
both fast and slow melodies easily overflow each other. In some songs these
characteristics came perfectly together.
The powerful and loud singing
voice contrasts the soft and staccato tone when he speaks, which I noticed when
he tried to have contact with us (the audience). And although he shows his
sense of British humor, he is not into pleasing his public and therefore not
afraid to point out that he ‘hate[s] it
when people are whispering’ during his performance.
maandag 17 maart 2014
Rise and Shine!
Sometimes, out of the blue I understand why a classic is a classic and I gradually fall in love with it (last winter I had a little crush on Timberlands, but I was obviously not the only one, so I broke up). And that sometimes popped up a few weeks ago, when I saw the classic espadrille. And now I have found an adorable pair, from THE OLD HOUSE with a classic tattoo print, can't wait for summmer!
vrijdag 7 maart 2014
Your own online fashion webshop
I just
sold a fashion item at a fresh and brand new online network for second hand fashion which gets rid of all the other massive ones where your
new posted clothes get drowned under a million pounds of waste (and therefore hardly sell one). This one is different (at
least it tries to be and I think it has great potential), because it not only
takes its responsibility for the money, but you can also create your ‘own webshop’ which other can follow (!), and therefore
you can follow others too. The things I like the most is that the website is
very accessible and that you can chat and post messages with your future buyer or seller. So, don’t hesitate, dive into your closet or into the network
for a fashion piece from UNITED WARDROBE
dinsdag 18 februari 2014
One to listen: Benjamin Clementine
This is the way he was discovered, Benjamin Clementine, in a metrostation in Paris which he used as a concert hall...
... and since an amazing performance at Jools Holland he is extolled and celebrated as a huge talent. I can't wait to see him life, so I bought tickets for his concert in april this year at the MC theater. Make your own judgement, but be quick, the concert is almost solled out, just saying...
... and since an amazing performance at Jools Holland he is extolled and celebrated as a huge talent. I can't wait to see him life, so I bought tickets for his concert in april this year at the MC theater. Make your own judgement, but be quick, the concert is almost solled out, just saying...
zondag 9 februari 2014
Be like a Honey Badger!
I really like this animal's stubborn and 'I-don't-care-I-do-what-I-want' attitude. Do what you want or need for your own sake and don't be afraid! An animal's lesson to take into account
zaterdag 1 februari 2014
People are naturally creative, so YOU are too
I’m so
glad that I discovered the website whatdesigncando.nl (my boyfriend gave me
this tip). The name says it already: this website shows what design can do both
for the world and for you. And this morning I read on their blog about the
Design School (D.School) at Stanford, and you know what enthused me so much
about it? It is a school which IS NOT FOR DESIGNERS ONLY(!!!). Hallelujah! Also innovators from the industry and students from all academic
disciplines and education come together to solve problems and ‘to achieve
extraordinary results for any case’.
This clip will give you a short impression
One of
the founders of this school is David Kelley (American businessman, entrepreneur,
designer and teacher, according to Wikipedia), who gave a wonderful and
convincing talk called “How to Build Your Creative Confidence” (TED, 2012). He
says that creativity is not for the ‘chosen ones’, but that everybody is
naturally creative.
You really should watch his talk, because it not
only will give you creative confidence but you also get to understand why
creativity is so important and great to have. Did someone ever tell you that
you are not creative? He or she was definitely wrong. Be inspired >>>
dinsdag 21 januari 2014
The woman behind the Amsterdam Fashion Week 2014
Do you recognize this banner from the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2014 (Amsterdam)?? What do you think about the model's clothes? I am really proud (and I hope I don't act like a bragging snob right now) to introduce you to a lovely friend of mine who is the designer behind the campaign. She is a really (and that is not put mildly), really talented fashion designer, dreamer and source of inspiration.
Like Joris Suk and Hans Hutting (from Maison the Faux) Anneleen Bertels - that's her name, remember it! - graduated with Fashion Design at Artez Institution of Arts in Arnhem last year.
In an interview at the website of the fashion week, she explains that with her graduation collection she searched 'for the influence of the interaction between human beings and personal space. She questioned how we will play with luxury in the future and thinks that it is a clash, resulting in a luxurious utility'.
Her collection is layerd (both literally and figurative), poetic, authentic, stubborn/closed and futuristic. I think it kind of reflects her character, in my opinion, if you would know Anneleen you would understand the collection even better.
Do you want to get to know her better? I'm sure you won't regret it ;) Visit this week (Wednesday, Thursday or Friday), during the fashion week, Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam and watch her movie, which will lead you into her dream world, literally.
Buy tickets here (AMFI Presents Fashion Films, 17:00u)
Below a short impression of her collection Inside the dreammachine
Curious? Find out more on her website
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Bertels designed glasses in collaboration with Theo Eyewear |
maandag 20 januari 2014
Maison the Faux: like no one has ever seen before
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Hans Hutting and Joris Suk |
Let me introduce you: Maison the Faux
Maison the Faux is a young label under the creative direction of Joris Suk and Hans Hutting. They met each other at Artez Institute of the Arts in Arnhem and graduated last year in Fashion Design. They describe themselves as 'creative, strange, openminded individuals' and they (as well as the people they work with at Maison the Faux) are to 'take fashion, couture and trash to a next level and create a Couture Fashion House like no one has ever seen before'. - do I need to say more?
One more thing, if you are not already curious about them, they show their first collection at the fashion week in Amsterdam this week, this thursday to be exactly
P.S. They are also members of the MUCH,MUCH collective, do you remember?
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