zaterdag 1 februari 2014

People are naturally creative, so YOU are too

I’m so glad that I discovered the website (my boyfriend gave me this tip). The name says it already: this website shows what design can do both for the world and for you. And this morning I read on their blog about the Design School (D.School) at Stanford, and you know what enthused me so much about it? It is a school which IS NOT FOR DESIGNERS ONLY(!!!). Hallelujah! Also innovators from the industry and students from all academic disciplines and education come together to solve problems and ‘to achieve extraordinary results for any case’.

This clip will give you a short impression

One of the founders of this school is David Kelley (American businessman, entrepreneur, designer and teacher, according to Wikipedia), who gave a wonderful and convincing talk called “How to Build Your Creative Confidence” (TED, 2012). He says that creativity is not for the ‘chosen ones’, but that everybody is naturally creative.  
You really should watch his talk, because it not only will give you creative confidence but you also get to understand why creativity is so important and great to have. Did someone ever tell you that you are not creative? He or she was definitely wrong.  
Be inspired >>>

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